Tag Archives: television

Glee Series Premiere

22 May

Yes, I ranted about missing this show on Tuesday night due to the American Idol over run. Thanks to Hulu I was able to watch the whole show with a single short commercial at the beginning! If you also missed it, go here to watch the episode!

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American Idol pisses me off…

20 May

So American Idol was on last night…If I wanted to hear semi talented “pretty” people sing bad karaoke I would go to Big Daddy’s. At least at Big Daddy’s I wouldn’t have to listen to three judges wax on about how great they are. What? There are FOUR fucking judges now??? Why? What does the new judge judge? They are singing karaoke…really…it is just karaoke people.

Anyways, last night was the premiere of Fox’s newest show “Glee.” Unfortunately, American Idol went a bit over, so my DVR recorded about 5 minutes of the damn show. Glee was much anticipated by me, and I was going to write about it this morning. I even found out that my old high school friend Ben Bledsoe was in the show! But NO! American Idol had to run over.

And no, I wasn’t home last night, so I was unable to just watch it/adjust my DVR to catch the show. I was having a wonderful time watching a Middle School Choir concert and their SUPER HOT teacher! 😉

I still plan on finding the show online (thank God for Hulu!) and reviewing it on my blog soon. I mean, American Idol is going to be over soon? Right? I mean, does anyone actually still watch that crap?

The Unusual(s) Recap on The Disney Blog

22 Apr

Apparently last week’s recap went well enough for me to continue! This week ABC is airing TWO new episodes of The Unusuals, so I will have two posts about them! If you missed last night’s episode because it wasn’t supposed to be on, check out today’s recap here.

The Unusuals will also be on tonight in its normal time slot (10 eastern) so check The Disney Blog tomorrow morning for Episode 4’s recap!

Better Off Ted on ABC

15 Apr

I have just this past weekend caught up on my DVR’d episodes of ABC’s new comedy, Better Off Ted and have decided that I must share this with the world! I LOVE this show. The writing is creative, the characters are interesting and the humor has caused me to LITERALLY LOL every episode.

The show is a comedy, obviously, that follows Ted who is the head of R&D at Veridian Dynamics. Veridian Dynamics is portrayed as the standard gigantic American corporation with no real feelings about its employees. They even have a “day care” program where they are “training the workers of tomorrow,” literally, they are! They have kids as janitors walking around the office and kids as scientists mixing stuff in test tubes!

Ted’s boss, Veronica, is hilarious. She manages to not care about anything or anyone and show very little emotion. In the second episode she used Ted’s daughter, Rose, to fire someone because she realized that Rose’s 7-year old presence kept people’s emotions in check in those type situations.

Rose is probably my favorite character in the show. She has some of the smartest lines written for her, but she doesn’t sound like she is older than 7, the lines are just creative enough to accurately portray the smart, innocent point of view of a 7-year old. Kids don’t have all the filters that we have learned over the years and manage to cut straight through the BS, and the show does that very well!

Better Off Ted is on ABC at 8:30pm Eastern (just after Scrubs) Wednesdays (that is tonight!) and I think you should check it out! If you want to catch up on the first few episodes visit ABC’s site here and click “Watch Free Episodes.” WARNING: Clicking the link I posted brings you to a site with an auto-play clip. A VERY funny clip from last week’s discrimination episode, but I will warn you that you might want to click pause quickly if you are at work or something.

NFL TV Distribution Maps

21 Sep
Miami Dolphins

Miami Dolphins

It is NFL football Sunday, but do you know what games are going to be shown on your local CBS and FOX affiliate? Don’t go running to the TV Guide (do people actually still get those?)! Don’t go running to push the “Guide” button on your remote. You can use the internet!

Of course you could always go to your local affiliates’ websites and if they are anything like Orlando’s you’ll spend 10 minutes trying to find anything! A couple years ago I got turned on to a website that will tell you. Every week this site updates a very nice Google Maps’ map of the whole country color coded for your ease of use! Here is today’s map for FOX! His maps are copyright so I can’t steal it and post it here for you!

The site to hit is the506.com. Or here is a direct link to the NFL maps page. It normally updates Wednesday/Thursday which is when I get to see that my beloved Dolphins will probably not be on TV in Orlando (though they are this week!).

Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld!

18 Sep

I’m sure by now most of you have seen at least one of the new Bill Gates/Jerry Seinfeld commercials and at first I was very concerned by them. The first one with Bill and Jerry at “Shoe Circus” seemed extremely random and I wasn’t sure what they were trying to sell. Churros? Shoes? Cake?

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Do You Suffer from Monkey Butt??

3 Jul

I’m really not sure if I do or not. After a long theme park day of walking my thighs will be a bit raw, but not really my butt. Anyways, the reason I ask is because there is a product out there to help you if you suffer from Monkey Butt. It’s called Anti-Monkey Butt Powder. Yes, that is the official product name…here is the commercial I just saw air on ESPN:


If you do suffer from monkey butt, go pick up this product and let me know if it works. If not, at least there is a monkey in the commercial!

David Militello on America’s Got Talent

2 Jul

They story can almost make you cry…ok…I admit, I cried…So once I found the video online I decided to post an afternoon blog to spread the love….

David is a 9 year old autistic boy who didn’t speak until he was three years old. At age 3 he started singing on the bus to and from school and last night he was on America’s Got Talent.

What I love the most is his attitude and responses to the judges. SOO cute!!! He nailed every single word of the song, was his singing perfect? No, but he is only 9 and I’m pretty sure that is the first time hes been on stage, let alone in a theater as large as that one.

For anyone who doesn’t recognize it, he is singing “Ben” by Michael Jackson, a song about a rat. I had to do some googling because I couldn’t place the song immediately…

Side Note: His mom and dad (mom especially) look REALLY short. I mean, Jerry Springer is towering over her and Jerry is only 5’11!

Toyota Prius vs BMW M3

2 Jul

No, not a race, but for fuel efficiency! This season Top Gear (BBC show) tested a Toyota Prius Hybrid vs a BMW M3pure petrol car. They ran ten laps around the track to see who would get the best gas mileage? Should be an easy win for the hybrid right? The Prius gets an estimated 46 mpg on the highway while the M3 gets an estimated 23 mpg.

Well, the clip is below and you will see that it isn’t just that both cars ran the track. The Toyota Prius went at top speed and the BMW was asked to merely follow it.

So the BMW won, but the Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson made a VERY stinging point. It isn’t necessarily WHAT you drive it is HOW you drive! I also like the point on how much damage is done to the environment to make those batteries that help us “save the environment.” I love this show, I wish it aired in HD and not months delayed in America!

I just wish I could show this clip to all the drivers flying by me on the turnpike at 5:30 in the morning. I’ve never felt so slow going 75 before!

ESPN8 “The Ocho”

20 Jun

If you’ve seen the movie “Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story” you will know that the ADAA’s Dodgeball Open Invitational was aired on ESPN8 “The Ocho.” This was a jab by the films makers at the sheer volume of ESPN channels. Continue reading