Tag Archives: high school

SURPRISE! I’m back!

8 Jul

I bet you didn’t expect that to pop up in your RSS feed today did ya?

Sorry about my month long hiatus, but I’m back and am going to attempt to keep the blog going every day. HOWEVER, don’t get all bent out of shape if I miss a day or two or twelve here and there. Life is constantly changing and I’m not the best at adapting with change.

Check past the break for a life update…or don’t…you don’t have to really…

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13 May

So last night while chatting with my good friend, the Monkey Mom, she decided (I don’t know what possessed her) to pull out an old high school yearbook and commented on the notes written between old friends.

I remember never really writing much in peoples yearbooks and didn’t take much stock in what or who wrote in mine. She confirmed that I wrote next to nothing in her yearbook even though we had been good friends for years. I was much more shy back in those days and always remembered being worried about not being able to erase what I wrote or how it would look years later.

Her comments prompted me to grab my year book and what happened next I would never have imagined I cried. Yes, Joe the large, hairy, 250lb 26 year old cried. I admit it. In fact, over the recent months I have cried a lot…but that’s another story and one that I probably won’t tell in this space.

What I read in my yearbook were HUGE page long notes from a few friends that really got to me. Most of these friends are practically gone from my life now, and after reading what they said, I’m disappointed that I let some of these friendships go. I don’t expect to still be dating the girl I was in high school, but I haven’t seen her in years now and much of that time we didn’t speak at all. She wrote things that brought back great memories and made me wonder where I had gone wrong?

So many of my good friends from high school are gone from my life now. I’m a different person and I’m sure they are too, but I miss them. I am very thankful for the friends I have now and my closest friends have been there when I needed them, and they know who they are. Their quality out weighs the quantity by far!

My point here is to remind myself and anyone who reads this to savor the relationships they have. Appreciate every moment, because you never know when that part of your life will end and those people may disappear. I also want to say that I love all my friends, past and present!